Friday, November 15, 2013

Speech Day 2013

Finally, Speech Day for the year has passed. It was lots of fun for me as I thoroughly enjoyed my group performance of a song called "More, More, More, I Want More More More". Although the costume looked silly, but the song was nice and catchy.

This year, the school had trimmed down significantly on the awards for the students. With the Cambridge syllabus, there are only three core subjects i.e. English, Maths and Science. One award was given for each subject to each class. I obtained an award for Maths. I had also received an award for Bahasa Malaysia during the school assembly before Speech Day. BM is a non-core subject, hence it was given out separately.

I thank God for His grace and mercy upon my life in school this year. God has been good to me.

Pastor Dorai from Full Gospel Assembly
came and presented the award

Year 2 Dance team

My little TiTi

Ah Mah came to show her support

My class teacher