Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Roller Blading

It was my birthday yesterday and coincidently, it was an off day for my school due to our sports day last Saturday. There was an impromptu meetup for Roller Blading. I was so happy to have some classmates coming for Roller Blading at Bangsar Shopping Centre.

I really enjoyed myself. Dadi and Mami invited my friends for a small lunch and arranged for some cupcakes to celebrate my birthday with my friends.

This birthday celebration with my friends was unexpected by anyone. Dadi and Mami decided only when they saw a few of my friends there. Though unprepared, but it was certainly my best celebration ever.

First time roller blading

1 candle represents Standard One. It doesn't represent my age.


ChloeRuoyi said...

Happy belated birthday, Benjamin! You looked very happy roller-blading with your friends. I bet you had a great celebration with them :)

Ben and Shaun said...

Thank you Aunty. Yes, I really enjoyed myself.

LittleLamb said...

Not bad for a first timer to be able to balance and skate for the first time. Oh well, I least for me didnt get it right the first time. Fell many times